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Fence posts

Camas offers different types of posts. See which one suits you best, whether with a cover strip or perhaps with a clip. Take a look for yourself…

Ball catching posts

Ball catching posts are often used on sports fields. Nowadays, many companies also use high fences to achieve greater security. The height of the fence starts at 3 m.

  • Camas Gabionenpfosten Typ 4 anthrazit

Gabion posts

Create a stable and space-saving gabion wall with the Camas type 4 post. The system achieves a natural look with a simple assembly.

  • Camas Schmiedepfosten Alfred DB703

Forged posts

You also get posts with forged elements to match our forged fence systems, so we complete the forged system 100%.

Interesting facts about our posts

Different post variants lead to the question of which post is best suited for your own building project. Generally, all types of posts we offer can be used for installing wire mesh mats. The only differences are in the way the fence elements are fastened.

Doweling with post shoe

The conditions in the home garden and the demands of our customers are just as varied as the offers in our range. It is not always possible to set the fence posts in concrete. Of course, you can also mount the fence posts on the masonry using a post shoe. You will receive a separate foot with an angle for mounting on a narrow L-stone wall. In this case, we can offer the post in an already shortened version. However, if your wall shows unevenness or height differences, we recommend choosing the standard post to compensate for this by shortening it individually. It is then delivered as usual with an overhang and can be shortened according to your own needs.



Nehmen Sie hier die wichtigsten Einstellungen vor.

Zaunfarbe: Wählen Sie hier die Farbe des Zauns, der Pfosten und evtl. Tore. Wenn Ihre Wunschfarbe nicht dabei ist, sprechen Sie uns an.

Zaunhöhe: Die effektive Zaunhöhe über der Erde.

Zaunlänge: Die Länge Ihres Zauns. Kalkulieren Sie evtl. anfallenden Beschnitt mit ein. Die Zaunmatten haben je eine Länge von 2,5 m.

Drahtstärke: Die Doppelstabmatte hat ihren Namen von den beiden horizontalen Stäben, in die ein vertikaler Stab eingeschweißt ist. Dabei geben die drei Werte die ungefähre Stabdicke an.

Lack-Spray: Wenn Sie die Zaunmatte nachträglich kürzen, entsteht an der Schnittstelle eine rostempfindliche Stelle, die mithilfe des Lacksprays versiegelt werden kann.